
    Profile of the Society Switzerland-Bhutan

    Information about the Society Switzerland-Bhutan and the activities 2020 and 2022 > pdf


    Documentary: 20 Years Bhutan Switzerland Society (BSS) Thimphu (2022)

    Lyonpo Kinzang Dorji (President BSS until 2022) and Marianne Frei (President SSB until 2020) are giving an overview of the activities and the co-operation of the two societies illustrated with some examples.

    The movie was first screened at the commemorative event of 20 years BSS on October 26th, 2022 in Thimphu.

    Director: Tashi Rabgyel



    Documentary: People to People Partnership

    Documentary produced by Society Switzerland-Bhutan & Society Bhutan-Switzerland, 2014


    Activities carried out by Society Switzerland-Bhutan & Bhutan-Switzerland Society, 2004 - 2020.

    Between 2004 and 2020 SSB has supported with the membership fees and donations of its members 58 projects with a total of about CHF 600’000.-.
    > pdf


    HELVETAS Project Managers 1960-2008
    We welcome any corrections or additions. Any false information is regretted.
    > pdf


    Some of our Projects

    Partnership with Loden Foundation (2023-2027)

    A commitment by SSB to support the effort in promoting entrepreneurial development in Bhutan.

    Taining and Support Cheesemakers

    SSB together with Mountain Grassroots Association was organising a training for 4 cheesemakers from Gogona, Khemdro (Phobjika) and Bumthang in Switzerland in 2023.

    Support Journalist Assocation Bhutan (JAB)

    The JAB sought support to train new journalists due to the brain drain to Australia and Canada.

    School Support Program

    After 10 years of support for schools in rural Zhemgang and Mongar SSB will close this program. Due to COVID-19 the school uniforms and shoes could not be distributed. They reached the schools in 2023.


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